
News App utilization learned from PARCO and Welcia Pharmacy How to create a point of contact with users with an app?


Welcia Pharmacy Co., Ltd. Sales Promotion Planning Manager Akinobu Kiyota (left) / Parco Co., Ltd. Executive Officer CRM Promotion Department and Digital Promotion Department Naotaka Hayashi (right)

In order to use the app as a marketing tool, it is necessary to have measures to get people to download it and measures to keep using it. How should we create contact points with customers and communicate with them through the app? Mr. Naotaka Hayashi of Parco and Mr. Akinobu Kiyota of Welcia Pharmacy spoke. The moderator was Mr. Jiro Handai of Yapuri. This article is a summary of the second week of a four-week seminar held to commemorate the publication of Yapuri's first book, App Textbook for Marketers, which was published on August 27. 

Parco wanted to extend customer service time with an app, and Welcia Pharmacy introduced an app instead of flyers

――Can you tell us about the purpose of introducing the app? Mr. Hayashi (hereafter, Hayashi): PARCO has 18 stores nationwide, mainly in the Kanto region, and since 2014 we have been providing “POCKET PARCO” as an app that can be used at stores. PARCO is a shopping center, so we do not sell our own products. PARCO's role is to provide an enjoyable shopping experience by connecting customers with the many specialty stores that open stores.

Omni-channel platform for 24-hour contact with PARCO

Now that you can shop online, the role of the store is a very important place where you can experience "touch and try". And shopping centers are places where you can strengthen the bonds between brands and customers by allowing multiple experiences. "POCKET PARCO" was created with the aim of creating points of contact between stores and customers not only at stores, but also digitally.

Mr. Kiyota (hereafter, Kiyota): We provide the Welcia Group App. The reason I made the app is the transition from analog to digital. In the sense that drugstore advertisements are wide and shallow, most of them were insert leaflets. However, with the rapid digitization of consumers, the effectiveness of leaflets has diminished. We introduced the app because we wanted to have deeper contact with our customers, we wanted to cultivate loyal customers, and we wanted to realize 1to1 marketing in the future. Currently, while implementing leaflet measures, we are using the app to replace the coupon distribution that was previously done with leaflets. ――Please tell us about the current number of app downloads and when you feel the effect of the app. Kiyota: The number of app downloads is 3 million, and MAU is around 1.1 million as of the end of July. Immediate sales promotion is where you can feel the effect of the app the most. For example, if you distribute a coupon on a rainy day when sales are down, the reaction will be good. It's a measure that I couldn't quite do with flyers, so I'm realizing the effect. Also, by enriching the content of the app, we are able to let people know more about Welcia Pharmacy, which I believe contributes to the development of loyal customers. Hayashi: ★POCKET PARCO has 1.9 million downloads. In addition, PARCO offers a house with a credit card function called PARCO Card. Comparing users who only use PARCO cards with users who use both PARCO cards and apps, users who use both PARCO cards and apps have approximately twice the average number of days of shopping per year and LTV. I know there is more than a 2x difference. Users who use the app are more loyal. 


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ニュース パルコとウエルシア薬局に学ぶアプリ活用 ユーザーとの接点をアプリで作るには?

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