
Frequently Asked Questions of Amazon Redshift

To check the latest information on Amazon Redshift, see the latest information page.To display detailed information and guidance for use, access the documentation.

Q: What is Amazon Redshift?

Amazon Redshift is a full -managed and scalable cloud datay house house, reducing the time to get insights by high -speed, simple and secure large -scale analysis.Thousands of customers are using Amazon Redshift to analyze data from terrimabettes to petabite scale and execute complex analysis queries.You can get real -time -in -site and prediction analysis for all data throughout the database, data lake, data warehouse, and third -party datasets.Amazon Redshift offers all of these with up to three times the price performance of other clouddettoir houses and maintains predictable costs.

With Amazon Redshift Serverless, you can easily execute petabite -scale analysis in seconds and get quick insights.There is no need to configure and manage the cluster of the data warehouse.Amazon Redshift Serverless automatically provides a high -performance workload for strictly unpredictable workloads, and pays only for resources used only to resources used.。

Amazon Redshift のよくある質問

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